Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Birfday, Russ!!!

It's Russ's birthday today!  He calls it Russmas, just like Christmas but with Russ in it.  That's so funny!!!

So after my last post I started thinking and things have been going crazy at home still so after really thinking about it I've decided I'm going to move to Arizona.  NO, it's not just cuz Russ is, but that's cool that he'll be there and i can still see him do poetry and stuff.  I just need a change of scenery.  I'm going to move soon.  It'll be awesome.

Happy birthday, Russ!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009



Russ is moving back to Arizona????  When he said that at his feature tonight, I couldn't believe it?  Why?  He's so talented, if he stayed here in California for just even another few years, I bet Hollywood would be all over him.  Plus, he LOVES working at the BGC!!  This must be the hardest decision he's like EVER made!!!

I'm in shock.  Can't write.

His feature was good, tho.  ;)


Russ's feature is TONIGHT!  So excited!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately.  Things got kinda crazy at home.  I've still been reading Russ' blogs, though, and one time I think I even saw him on the bus!  It was either him or Drew Carey --  but Drew Carey is waaay fat.  I hope he loses all that weight sometime, it's not healthy.

Anyway, Russ just made my day cuz he reminded me that's he featuring again soon!!  He'll be at the Ugly Mug in Orange on the 16th!  I TOTALLY have to go!  I might need to take a few buses, and I think the buses stop running before it's over so I might have to get a hotel room or sleep behind a dumpster or something, but it'll TOTALLY be worth it!  I wonder if he'll read that poem about about the homeless guys from San Fran.  Gross!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What A CRAZY NIGHT Russ & Konrad had!

Russ told this awesome story on his blog about a night he and Konrad had at the Kopa!  I keep meaning to check out the Kopa room cuz I hear the karaoke is awesome there!!!!  There's even another KJ there named RUSS!!  That's crazy that Russ goes there too!  Anyway, here's Russ's blog thing: http://karaokefanboy.blogspot.com/2009/11/karaoke-chronicles-evening-with-grace.html.  It's so funny!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

!!!!!!!!RUSS TOTALLY ALMOST DIED!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!  I just read on Russ' blog that he totally almost died in San Francisco!!  I guess some idiot forgot to tie down a wine barrel on the back of his truck and it hit Russ' rental car!!!!!  Thank God he's okay!  Srsly, WTF, dude!  If you're driving with a ton of wine barrels on the back of your truck, shouldn't you make sure it's all good before you get on the freeway??  I'm glad Russ is ok. 

Here's Russ's story about it.  He's waaaay too nice.  If that happened to me, I woulda beat the guy with one of the pieces of the barrel! 


P.S.  I guess Russ saw two homeless ppl goin at it.  Gross!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

District 9 Rocked!!!

Holy crap, District 9 was awesome!!  Russ liked it, too.  We like the same movies.  I wonder if he was in the same theater as me?  That would be crazy!!!

Russ made this sweet list of things he liked about District 9.  Check it out!!! >>> http://karaokefanboy.blogspot.com/2009/08/dont-dis-district-9.html

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Aww, Russ, Get on Facebook, Buddy!

Russ was on Facebook for like three hours today but then he cancelled his account :( :(

I sent him a friend request but I don't know if he got it.  I guess he didn't like getting all those friend requests from ppl he's been trying to forget from high school.  That's kewl, but how about making some NEW friends like me, buddy??

He did start a new blog about his comic book stuffs, though, so I'll be up all night refreshing it to see if he puts something new.  Yay!