Thursday, October 22, 2009

!!!!!!!!RUSS TOTALLY ALMOST DIED!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!  I just read on Russ' blog that he totally almost died in San Francisco!!  I guess some idiot forgot to tie down a wine barrel on the back of his truck and it hit Russ' rental car!!!!!  Thank God he's okay!  Srsly, WTF, dude!  If you're driving with a ton of wine barrels on the back of your truck, shouldn't you make sure it's all good before you get on the freeway??  I'm glad Russ is ok. 

Here's Russ's story about it.  He's waaaay too nice.  If that happened to me, I woulda beat the guy with one of the pieces of the barrel!

P.S.  I guess Russ saw two homeless ppl goin at it.  Gross!!!